Click HERE to download ASPA’s April 2022 Newsletter in PDF format.
Health Plans: There is a possibility that some of the health plans may reach out directly to your practice for information, please forward these requests to ASPA as we should be handling these request to ensure the plans get all of the information needed.
ASPA MEMBERS: The ASPA Board of Directors recently approved the sale of membership stock to ASPA providers who are not shareholders. This action was taken to provide all ASPA members with an equal opportunity to share in patronage dividends. As an incentive to build our ownership base, New ASPA Owners will have their annual dues waved for 2 years for specialist and 3 years for PCP’s, plus annual dues going forward frozen at: PCP’s $300.00; Specialties $400.00; NP’s $250.00 and Other $200.00. Shares of ASPA stock are priced at their original cost of $1,000. ASPA Members can only own one share. Funds from the sale of ASPA stock will be used to support its work plan and attain goals. For more information, contact Connie at or Karen at
ASPA is proud to announce our new partner’s:
PCIHIPAA (Compliance Company): You will be able to manage your practice’s HIPAA, OSHA, and PCI compliance with ease and get it all at the lowest price special for ASPA members. The first step in getting compliant is completing your complimentary HIPAA Risk Assessment to see where you stand. Get started today and unlock other complimentary compliance resources including a special member rate for OåceSafe360, powered by PCIHIPAA.
SiteRx (Improved Clinical Trial Accessibility): using powerful and HIPAA secure software, SiteRx enables clinical research as a care option by automating the patient matching process associated with clinical trials. SiteRx unlocks ancillary revenue for providers without the risk of becoming a principal investigator or hiring staff. Once the provider approves a match, patient consent is captured, and the SiteRx patient experience team helps the patient register with the trial.
ASPA has entered into a contract with Collaborative Health Systems (CHS). CHS is a management services organization that has been partnering with independent physician associations, like ASPA for over 10 years, to help you succeed in value-based care and navigate Medicare programs/models. ACO REACH is the next evolution in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Accountable Care Organization (ACO) programs beginning January 1, 2023. ASPA and CHS is offering webinars each Tuesday at 8:00AM and Thursday at 12:30PM. Opt-in’s have been sent via email and fax with the webinar link, if you have not received an Opt in and are interested, please contact Karen at
HealthCosmos has added two more Medicare Advantage plans, Amerigroup and Alignment. Opt In’s will be sent out next week for these plans.
Thank you ASPA Members for your continued support, we appreciate you!